Certified Master Hypnotist

live video (worldwide) and in person sessions (located in the Lansing, Michigan area)

email me today 

phone : (380) 799 - 7061

book here or email for custom time slot  (please be sure to call or email for a consultation before or immediately following booking)

Kathryn Gunn

Sober since 2015 from a life shattering heroin addiction. It wasn't until a couple of years ago I found this remarkable modality. 

I just finished my diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, from America's only nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy.  Spending time learning one on one with some of the best hypnotherapists in the world.

Currently pursuing my degree in Psychology, while my husband and I raise our young children.

I am so excited to use what I am learning to help all types of people find peace and learn how powerful their own minds truly are.

I have found hypnosis helpful when it comes to my own anxiety, trouble sleeping, fear of dentists, and self love. 

I have a certification in grief recovery and am a certified Imagery Facilitator. By clicking the tab in the top corner you can see a brief over-view of the specialty certifications I have obtained in addition to my degree in clinical hypnotherapy. 

consultations prior to booking are always free with no cost or obligation to book.
