Areas of Specialty Certification

certificate - Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator (1).pdf

          Therapeutic Imagery is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful and versatile tools in my hypnotic tool kit. When used correctly it has the power to transform and free us. Imagery can be integrated into almost every treatment plan to exponentially increase the power behind the hypnotic suggestion. 

           Study after study on the effects of imagery are clear, from child birth to chemo, imagery increases positive outcomes in a statistically significant way. I am always studying new ways to use imagery to enhance the hypnotic experience.  This course was 25 hours working with one of the best imagery masters in the world.

         Grief is something that touches all of us at one point or another.  In this course I learned effective and healthy ways to help people process grief and loss. Using hypnosis to help clients find peace and comfort in some of the most challenging times. 

          There are many different types of grief, I have also found that incorporating some of these techniques when it comes to letting go of addictions and habit control can increase the probability of success. 

certificate - Hypnosis and Grief Recovery (1).pdf
certificate - Hypnosis for Past Life Regression Therapy.pdf

      Past life regression therapy, is a highly controversial and widely discussed hypnotic technique. In my experience it is also a truly beautiful and unique way to connect with our subconscious and go deep within on a journey of self discovery. 

      It is so important to take your past life journey with someone who is highly trained and has the ability to take you in deeply. To help you uncover the past life that will help bring clarity to what you are facing in your present incarnation. 

       This 15 hour certification course covered a variety of ways to help any type of caregiver. There are so many different types of caregivers, most of them spend so much time caring for others in one way or another that they sometimes have trouble giving themselves the attention they need.

   From mothers to health professionals everyone who gives their energy and time to caring for others deserves time to unwind, and the tools to take mental breaks throughout the day. 

Take a break and recharge with me. Mind, body, and soul, you too deserve the attention you give to others.

certificate - Intuitive and Energy Healing.pdf

       In every session I do my best to connect each client to their own inner power source. I truly believe my job is to show you how powerful you are, how powerful your own mind is. 

      As we finish whatever work we are doing I take pride in knowing that each client is able to intuitively use their own energy to grow and heal. Leaving each client better equipped to handle whatever challenges life might send their way, even if it is in a whole different area of their life that the one we worked on.


        Studying body syndromes is an ongoing process for me. I am constantly doing research and reading published studies. What I look at are new discoveries, involving particular types of stress and emotional disruption that can impact the body physically. Research is continuing to connect physiological ailments with specific types of stress and unprocessed emotions. 

           Body syndromes are simply connections with different regions of the body to emotions and ailments. It is an amazing diagnostic tool that continues to evolve and grow with our understanding of the mind to body connection.

certificate - Body Syndromes.pdf
certificate - Trauma Recovery Hypnosis (2).pdf

        I am continuing to take specialty education courses that allow me to work hand in hand with doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and other licensed mental health workers.  As an adjunct to any of these health professionals you can include hypnotherapy and work to deeply embed your new state of mind into your subconscious. 

           I am happy to join your treatment team to help you achieve the peace you deserve.  Lets start working together to amplify self love. I also give you tools to increase confidence in your ability to safely and calmly handle what comes up inside or outside of the office.